Track and trace Croatian Post Croatian Post Tracking Package Hrvatska pošta

Croatia Post (Hrvatska pošta) is the country's main postal company. The headquarters is located in Zagreb. Established in 1999, it is a state corporation of the Republic of Croatia. She owns more than 1016 reception departments. In addition to postal services, Croatian post offers financial, commercial, and digital television services throughout the republic. The company is a member of the Association of European State Postal Operators. Croatia is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).

The operator’s mail service includes: receiving, storing, forwarding, transporting, and delivering national or international mail to the destination, subscribing, and delivering printed publications to the public, express mail services (EMS).

Additional directions of the mail company:

  1. Service ePost - allows users to receive and send letters, messages, and documents in electronic form.
  2. The service hpekspres is fast delivery of Croatian mail, covering the entire territory of the state.
  3. Financial services: cash transfer, payment of bills, cash withdrawal. Savings accounts and insurance policies can also be opened at post offices.
  4. Postal store - has an assortment of retail goods, you can buy postcards, books, stamps, technical goods.
  5. Philately - issue and sale of postage stamps.
+385 (0)1 6626 870
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Possible package status updates

Croatian Post track packages by tracking number

With the use of tracking form you can quickly check the status of your package. Also if you want to get updates on your package location via your e-mail, you can register on our website.