Track and trace FedEx FedEx Tracking Package  

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FedEx track packages by tracking number

With the use of tracking form you can quickly check the status of your package. Also if you want to get updates on your package location via your e-mail, you can register on our website.
Rating of FedEx
1 review
Delivery timing
 0-14 days
 15-45 days
 46-90 days
 90+ days


FedEx Express which was formerly named Federal Express was the first company to offer express distribution and delivery and to this day remains the worldwide leader in providing fast and reliable delivery to more than 220 countries. FexEx is also the largest transportation company in the world that handling more than 3.9 million shipments daily.

Tracking events, status, and location for all FedEx packages are available within 90 days during and after delivery.

FedEx also offers signature proof of delivery and it is available for 18 months for FedEx Express and FedEx Ground shipping methods and 2 years for FedEx Feight shipments. Signature proof includes an image of the signature and all the corresponding shipment info.

The following information provides the basic information for how to find FedEx tracking numbers, track packages, and how to find any information about the package.

FedEx Tracking

To track your FedEx package you will need one of the following: tracking number or reference number, obtain proof of delivery, or TCN. You can track different types of FedEx packages sent via various shipping methods: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Custom Critical.

FedEx offers various ways to track your package, the most popular way is to use a tracking number. You can enter the tracking number in the search box and see your package’s status, and location or get proof of delivery if your package was already delivered.

You can track your packages without login into your FedEx account, easily get access to all package statuses and rapidly get new updates.

You can also save your packages to track them later, together with other packages that you have, and see all the updates on them in one window.

You can add nicknames for your packages for your convenience - you can simply enter the name of the shop your package was sent from or add information on the contents of the parcel.

Tracking FedEx packages using the Tracking number

The whole process of tracking your package depends on your tracking number. A tracking number is a unique number that was assigned to your package by the carrier once it was shipped from the seller or online store after you have made your purchase there.

FedEx usually has 12-digit tracking numbers but sometimes there can be 10, 15, 20, or 22-digit numbers. FedEx tracking numbers do not use any letters mostly.

Your tracking number can be found on your package, printed as a number and as a barcode. These tracking numbers are also sent to you by the seller or online store after you made your purchase or once the order has been shipped. If you are the sender - you will be given the tracking number once you register your package in the FedEx system.

If you need the status of your shipment - simply enter the tracking number in the search box and click Track.

FedEx Tracking from China

To track your FedEx parcel you will need a tracking number or a door tag number to enter into the search field. Our system will automatically check various Chinese logistic carriers and will give you a full report on the location and status of your package in China, as well as when the package is already in your country.

FedEx Tracking from Hong Kong

Tracking your package sent by FedEx from Hong Kong is as simple as it can be. There is always an option to track your package on the official FexEx website. But if you do not want to figure out which tracking number belongs to which carrier (FedEx, USPS, UPS, or others) - you can just use a one-stop solution like our PackageRadar service that will automatically recognize which carrier your tracking number belongs to.

Can you track FedEx Tracking US Ground?

Simply just enter your 12-digit tracking number in the search box and see the status and location of your package, as well as previous tracking events.

Tracking of FedEx from the USA to Canada

There is no need to call FedEx customer service to find the location of your package or make sure that the status of your order is all right. Our tracking system works 24/7 and automatically provides the most recent information on your package.

Tracking of FedEx Smartpost Returns

FedEx Smartpost returns can be tracked as well as usual FedEx packages. You can do that by using our PackageRadar tracking tool. To do this, you will need your tracking number for the return, enter in the search field and click Track.

FedEx Returns tracking numbers usually contain 20 digits. The tracking number starts with 023 digits for the Intelligent Mail package or 58 for other packages.

FedEx tracking from the USA to the UK, India, Mexico

Tracking international FedEx packages is the same as tracking local packages in the USA. You will need the tracking number that can be found on the package, on the order package in the online store, or in an email sent to you by the seller or online shop. Once you find your tracking number, just enter it in the search field and you will see all the information on your package.

What tracking numbers can I track?

You can track any packages sent by various FedEx shipping methods. Among those are FedEx Express, FedEx Express Freight, FedEx Ground, FedEx Home Delivery, FedEx Smartpost, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Custom Critical.

There is also an option to track the package using Door Tag number. A door tag is a notification left at your shipping address if you are not home to receive a package. The door tag number is associated with your package's original tracking number and gives you easy steps to locate your package. These numbers start with DT letters followed by 12 digits. If you enter more than one door tag number, you can click on the underlined tracking number to get more information about your package. You can insert any combination of up to 30 door tags at a time. Each door tag number needs to be entered into a separate line.

Door Tag tracking in the USA and Canada

If your package has not been delivered - you will get a door tag. It’s a notification about your package that is delivered to you in case there’s a problem with your package.

There are a few different situations where you might get a door tag. Door tags provide you with information on how to retrieve your package and what to do for your future packages to make sure they are delivered as soon as possible.

Delivery and pickup. In case your package has not been delivered to your doorstep, then you can pick it up at any FedEx location listed on the back of the door tag after the time noted. You can contact FedEx to confirm if the package is ready for pick up as well as make any arrangements for other packages, pickups, or deliveries. To pick up your package you will need your door tag as well as your ID documents that have the delivery address of your package that matches the recipient’s address.

Delivery attempts. If your package has not been delivered and you have received a door tag, it does not mean that you’ll have to pick the package up. Check your door tag and see if there is any information on the delivery attempts - the carrier of your package may attempt the delivery the next business day unless you make other arrangements for it.

Delivery requirements. Some deliveries require a signature, check your door tag if there’s any information on that. It means you will have to be present for the delivery of your package to personally sign the documents.

Door tag number. Door tag numbers start with DT letters and are followed by 12 digits. Door tag numbers can be used to track your packages as well as tracking numbers.

Package delivered. If you have received your door tag with information that your package was delivered, that means that it was delivered and hidden somewhere to minimize theft or damage. You can check your front door or any nearest places that could contain your package or check with your neighbors if they have received your package for you.

FedEx International Economy Tracking

FedEx International Economy shipping method includes an option of tracking the package. You will need your tracking number, which contains 12 digits, that is written on the FedEx International Air Waybill once the package is sent, in the email, or the account.

FedEx International Economy lets you ship packages to Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico with cost-efficient and rapid delivery in only 2-3 business days. There is also an option to send packages to other 215 countries and territories within the same delivery times. FedEx International Economy allows for packages to be imported, as well as exported.

Why my FedEx package wasn’t delivered to me?

If the courier of your package attempted the delivery but left you with a door tag, there are a few reasons why he could do that:

  • FedEx requires a signature for your package delivery
  • Some customs duties and taxes have to be paid before the package is delivered
  • There are dangerous goods in the package
  • There are any restrictions or security reasons why your package cannot be delivered

Why did the FedEx courier leave a door tag?

You may receive a door tag in two cases. First, if your package was delivered but hidden or delivered to your neighbors to prevent theft or damage, or if your package was not delivered. If your package hasn’t arrived, the carrier may attempt another delivery or offer you to arrange pickup. All the information necessary could be found on the door tag.

How can I track my package with Door Tag number?

The door tag number on the front of your notification is associated with the tracking number of your FedEx package. You can use the tracking number or door tag number - you’ll get the same information on the status and location of your package no matter what number you use.

The door tag number consists of DT letters followed by 12 digits (for example, DT000000000000).

Why was my package taken to the FedEx location?

If the delivery of your FedEx package required a signature and you were not at home at the time, the FedEx courier may deliver your package to the nearest Walgreens store, FedEx office, or other FedEx location. The specific location of your package would be listed in the door tag left to you by the courier. You can stop by and pick that up when you have the time. The packages usually become available to you as early as the same day.

What is FedEx SmartPost?

FedEx delivers FedEx SmartPost packages through their network using their sorting facilities, warehouses, and trucks. But eventually, they do not take the package to your doorstep, they pass it on to USPS. Then national postal service takes the packages to their final destination, this process is also called the “last mile”.

If your package is shipped via FedEx Smartpost, FedEx will pick the